This course covers the comprehensive study of failure analysis and prevention in engineering components. It begins with an exploration of the importance of failure analysis, the general practices and procedures involved, and the role of non-destructive testing (NDT) in identifying defects and discontinuities. For instance, students learn about different NDT methods such as liquid penetrant test, magnetic particle test, ultrasonic test, and radiography test. The course then delves into destructive testing, discussing techniques like experimental stress analysis and the importance of destructive testing in evaluating the mechanical behavior of materials. The course also covers the limitations of destructive tests, the preservation of failed component samples, and the impact of service conditions on failure. It concludes with a detailed study of Fractography and Factography, explaining how they help in determining the conditions under which a component's fracture has occurred and the interpretation of fracture surfaces.
Cost: FREE
- Course Duration: 4-6 HOURS
- Skill Level: Intermediate
- Skills Gained: NDT, DT, Macroscopy
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