This course covers the fundamental principles of high-speed flows, thermodynamics, and compressible flow. It starts with the basics of thermodynamics and the concept of perfect gas, explaining the equation of state for a perfect gas, the role of intermolecular forces, and the importance of kinetic energy in gas molecules. The course then delves into the concepts of thermally perfect and calorically perfect gases, and how these concepts apply to compressible flow problems. It further explores the first and second laws of thermodynamics, explaining how they apply to the propagation of sound through a medium. The course also covers the concept of the velocity potential equation and its application in the context of compressible flow. It explains the presence of a velocity potential in irrotational flow and how it is expressed in the form of a gradient of a scalar. The course concludes with a discussion on the formation of shocks from finite compression waves, the concept of normal shock waves and mark waves, oblique shock waves and Prandtl-Meyer expansion fans, and the principles of flow through converging and diverging nozzles.
Cost: FREE
- Course Duration: 4-6 HOURS
- Skill Level: Intermediate
- Skills Gained: Fluid Dynamics, Theoretical and Experimental Aerodynamics
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