This course covers the comprehensive understanding of beam-column deflection and bending under various load conditions. It begins with the general expression of the elastic curve when a transverse load is applied at a variable distance from one end of the beam-column, along with the axial load. The course then extends to cases of several lateral loads and continuous lateral load acting on the compression beam. It provides a detailed explanation of how to derive the expressions for elastic curve, deflection, and slope. For instance, when a beam-column undergoes antisymmetric buckling, the rotational restraint offered by the beam is 6EI by L. The course also delves into the stability analysis of a continuous beam-column and the calculation of the critical load. It concludes with the calculation of the critical load of a hinged bar.
This course has been developed by Prof. Sarat Kumar Panda from IIT-ISM for NPTEL. It is now accessible through Ansys Innovation Space courtesy of the partnership between Ansys and NPTEL, under the CC BY-SA license. For more details, visit https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105105217.
Cost: FREE
- Course Duration: 4-6 HOURS
- Skill Level: Intermediate
- Skills Gained: Three Moment Equation, Bending
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