

Windows 10 to Windows HPC 2016, RSM 2021 R1, the combination of RSM internal file transfer, Regular (non-admin) domain user account (also in HPC user group), CNAME (Alias canonical name) used in Submit host, fails the RSM test job with below error in RSM job log submitting job (after file uploading): “Credentials not cached on srred1hpchn03 for destination: HPC_Cluster2 ” srred1hpchn03 is the real hostname of the Windows HPC head node, cluster2.kymeta.local is the CNAME.

    • FAQFAQ

      2 options to make it work: Option #1, change file transfer from “RSM internal file transfer” to Operation system file transfer” Option #2, change “Submit host” from CNAME to real hostname of Windows HPC head node.