We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


Why am I getting the POLYFLOW error “Number of constraints exceeded !”?

    • FAQFAQ

      When running a large simulation case or a case that involves a lot of constraints (boundary conditions), POLYFLOW may be aborted before the first iteration with the error message “Number of constraints exceeded!” In most cases, this can be circumvented by entering (or modifying) an option in the .p3rc file. If running in POLYMAN, select the simulation and click on Tools > Options > Polyflow. In the box that appears, under “Modify .p3rc configuration file”, add MCONTR 30 and run the simulation If running in Workbench environment, right click on Solution cell and click on Preferences > Polyflow. In the box that appears, under “Modify .p3rc configuration file”, add MCONTR 30 and run the simulation If running simulations in standalone mode, then create a .p3rc file containing MCONTR 30 and launch the POLYFLOW calculation with the command polyflow –s .p3rc output.lst The factor ’30’ is indicative and can be increased if the ‘Number of constraints exceeded!’ message still appears. Then, run the calculation again.