We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


When using the Adjoint solver, can I define an Observable on an interior face and if not is there a workaround?

    • FAQFAQ

      You may want to define an Observable on an interior face, for example, total pressure on an interior face. Using Observable type surface-integral will not allow interior faces to be selected since interior faces will not be listed. Therefore, it is not possible to define an Observable using an interior face. However, there are two workarounds: 1. The Observable type volume-integral can be used, where it will be possible to either select cell zones or define a box to select cells close to the interior face. 2. For Fluent 18.2 and above the Observable type surface-integral can be used with iso-surfaces and iso-clips. You can use the iso-clip of the complete range of mesh coordinates for an interior zone to use the location of an interior as Observable.