

When running in SMP using Fluent 18.2, Double Precision (does not happen in Single Precision) and IBMMPI (default) you might encounter one of the following issues/errors “The FLUENT application failed to validate the connection.” “mpirun.exe has stop working” “MPI application rank 0 exited before MPI_Finalize () with status…” Fluent 18.2 hangs

    • FAQFAQ

      Resolution: Use Intel MPI OR Share the ANSYS Inc directory located by default at C:Program FilesANSYS Inc Right Click on the ANSYS Inc directory, Go to Properties, Sharing (TAB), Click “Advanced Sharing” Select “Share this Folder”, then Advanced Change the permission to Full Control Apply, OK Back to the Sharing folder copy the network Path to ANSYS Inc Paste the network path in the Fluent_Root Path adding v182fluent So your root path would look like this not a local path \computer_nameAnsys Incv182fluent