

When Launching Fluent on a non graphical node you will see this warning Warning: Cannot find hardware accelerated drivers. Performance might be severely impacted.

    • FAQFAQ

      To Disable this Warning: 1.Set an environment variable with the name: CX_NO_HARDWARE_VALIDITY_CHECKS and set the value to 1. 2.Launch Fluent with a user specified driver like x11 (or opengl), which can be done by adding e.g. -driver x11 from the command line. If you are getting this warning, it means your launching Fluent with x11 driver anyway so specifying that would make no difference. 3.The most recommended way, however, (like any other software warning) would be to realize that the warning is there for a reason and can be removed by fixing the root cause for it (which can give a major speed boost in running Fluent calculations with graphics). That can be done by using a supported visualization machine for running graphics (i.e. the host and cortex process) that has a supported graphics card and an updated graphics card driver. Visit the Ansys Platform Support Page for supported platforms and visualization solutions.