

What is the new properties panel in Discovery 2024R2?

    • FAQFAQ

      Prior to 2024R2, if you want to check the properties of an object, such as appearance or volume/mass properties, you will have to select the geometry and click on the double chevron ⟩⟩ in HUD to expose them.

      In the new release of Discovery 2024R2, you can click on the properties symbol on the bottom right corner , right next to power selection option to visualize them directly. Here you will see the appearance, that is rendering quality of the geometry as well as the physical properties of the geometry, such as the volume and mass. You can also access these properties through the measure tab as before. This panel is in undocked stage now and can be moved inside as well as outside of Discovery window.

      In this same panel, you can switch to the layers panel, and add and visualize layer. You can also switch to named selection and power selection, directly from the undocked window.