We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


What is the Definition of Mesh Quality?

    • FAQFAQ

      You can evaluate the quality of a volume mesh with Display > Plot > Cell Distribution. There are several evaluation methods, but this FAQ will only introduce the more representative ones. Size •Option > Size •Mesh size [m3] Equilateral Volume Deviation •Option > Quality > Quality Measure > Skewness > Tri/Tet Skewness Method > Equilateral Volume Deviation •Also known as Equi-Size-Skew (ESS) in GAMBIT •ESS = (Seq / S) / Seq, where oSeq is the maximum volume of the equilateral cell (maximum area in 2D) whose radius is the same as the radius of the circumcircle of the mesh element oS is the volume of the mesh in (2D) •Equilateral Volume Deviation takes on a value between 0 and 1 (0 inclusive) Normalized Equiangle Deviation •Option > Quality > Quality Measure >Skewness > Tri/Tet Skewness Method > Normalized Equiangle Deviation •Also known as Equi-Angle-Skew (EAS) in GAMBIT •EAS = max {(θmax – θeq) / (180 – θeq), (θeq – θmin) / θeq}, where oθmax and θmin are the maximum and minimum angles between the edges of the element oθeq is the edge angle between isosceles cells oθeq is 90° for a triangle (2D) or tetrahedron element (3D), and 60° for a square (2D) or hexahedron element (3D)