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What is difference in Hexore octree and cartesian and cut cell?

    • FAQFAQ

      Hexcore has hex mesh with hanging nodes. It has one or two layers of tet mesh near boundary and then hexcore in main core region. Hexcore has two options octree based and cartesian based. These are different algorithms but gives similar mesh. From user perspective the main advantage of using Octree based method is – user can use defined size field for mesh refinement. Cartesian based method can not used defined size field. It requires to define regions for refinement. Similar to hexcore, cut cell has hex mesh at the core. But at the boundary mesh is different. In cut cell method, the cells are cut. The cartisian grid is creted in background. And then nodes near geometry are projected on geometry. Some of the cells which are cut by geometry are cut and become n faced cells. In general more focus is on poly cells and not on cut cells. So recommend to use poly instead of cut cell. For more details, please check help manual.