

What can I do, if the ANSYS CFX Large Partitioner fails in double precision with the following message? +——————————————————————–+ | ****** Warning ****** | | | | Topology simplification is activated with the following | | restrictions: | | | | – Mesh regions referenced only within User Fortran and NOT | | in the command file will cause the solver to stop. | | – The solver will stop during any “Edit Run in Progress” step | | if new 2D regions are referenced. | +——————————————————————–+ +——————————————————————–+ | ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. | | Message: | | writeOffset: offset 3060488915 too large for integer, would be wr- | | itten as -1234478381. Possibly a dataset >2Gb. | | | | | | | | | +——————————————————————–+ +——————————————————————–+ | ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. | | Message: | | iocnt: can’t write dataset length

    • FAQFAQ

      This is a bug. Please set the environment variable CFX_Format to l5 It is a small L before the 5. The bug will be fixed in ANSYS 2020 R1.