The Ansys Innovation Space website recently experienced a database corruption issue. While service has been restored there appears to have been some data loss from November 13. We are still investigating and apologize for any issues our users may have as a result.


—- Warning— Due to the size of the model, faces of bodies were not automatically separated for capping and/or size assignment —- Warning— To separate out zones, Edit the task and in Advanced Options, set ‘Invoke Zone Separation by Angle?’ to ‘yes’

    • FAQFAQ

      Workflowでメッシュを作成する際に下記warrningが出る場合がございます。 —- Warning— Due to the size of the model, faces of bodies were not automatically separated for capping and/or size assignment —- Warning— To separate out zones, Edit the task and in Advanced Options, set ‘Invoke Zone Separation by Angle?’ to ‘yes’ Fluent Meshingは自動的に角度(面メッシュ間の角度)を基準に面ゾーンを分離しようとしますがそれが実行されなかったという内容です。 形状やできたメッシュが問題なければそのままでも結構ですが問題がある場合はGenerate the Surface MeshのAdvanced Optionsで対応可能です。 デフォルトはautoですので分割をしないのであればInvoke Zone Separation by angleをNo、分割するのであればyes+Separation Angleの調整で対応が考えられます。 上記等で不明な動作や作成された形状について疑問がある場合はサポートまでご連絡ください。