

The CFX Solver gives the following error: Details of error:- —————- Error detected by routine MAKDAT Illegal data area length CDANAM = NTOTALS_EST CDTYPE = INTR ISIZE = 0 CRESLT = SIZE Current Directory : /INTERP/NEW/NAMEMAP | ****** PROBLEM REPORT ****** |—————- | Subsystem: Input and Output | Subroutine name: ErrAction | Severity level: Fatal Error | Error message number: 001100279 |—————– | Message: | | Stopped in routine MEMERR

    • FAQFAQ

      The default Workbench behavior is to use existing solution data as the initial values for the current run. The CFX Solver may be using the res.err file from a previous failed run as the initial values file in this case. To correct the problem Clear Generated Data on the Solution cell before starting the current run, or manually point to a valid initial values file.