

Q: Spaceclaim is running very slowly.

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      A: delete %appdata%Ansys and %appdata%SpaceClaim Details: ——- It has been observed that spaceclaim can take a long time to give user control back after selecting a pull or other 3D operation. The problem was due to a corrupted spaceclaim configuration. Ansys stores configuration data in %appdata%Ansys and spaceclaim stores configuration data in %appdata%SpaceClaim. Deleting these folders should fix configuration issues and cause a fresh set of folders to be created when workench and spacecliam are next run. Diagnosing such issues can be very difficult. The Microsoft tool Process Monitor (procmon) can be very useful for looking at low level operating system events. In this case it reported thousands of NAME COLLISION errors as the spaceclaim executable tried to write to existing temporary files to the user’s temp folder. In this case, the user’s temp folder was also cleaned up as part of the fix.