

Q: How do I make the standalone Ensight package work with Ansys licensing.

    • FAQFAQ

      A There is a standalone Ensight package on the Ansys customer portal under Downloads->Ensight Products. It is only for users who want no other Ansys software. Otherwise they should get Ensight from the Fluids package. The Fluids package comes with Ansys client licensing and so the version of Ensight in the Fluids package needs no special treatment. with respect to licensing. To make standalone Ensight work with an Ansys license manager you need to set the following environment variables ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE = {flexlm_port}@{machine_name} ANSYSLI_SERVERS = {ansyli_port}@{machine_name} ENSIGHT10_LM=ansys The default flexlm port is 1055 and the default ansysli port is 2325. So, for example, for an Ansys license server called with default port settings, you would set ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE = ANSYSLI_SERVERS = ENSIGHT10_LM=ansys License checkouts go through ansysli and so there will be a client side license debug log in %temp%.ansys called licdebug.ENSIGHT.191.out. The “191” in the name is for version 19.1 so this will change for each release.