We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


Need for installing Cadence SPB for importing ECAD files into SpaceClaim.

    • FAQFAQ

      Keywords: Cadence, Spaceclaim, brd, mcm, sip Importing Cadence ECAD files into ANSYS SpaceClaim requires extracta.exe, an extraction tool, installed on the machine. The tool comes as a part of the Cadence installation package. Extracta tool allows third-part tools such as ANSYS SpaceClaim to read Cadence binary files. You don’t need to have a license, but Cadence must be installed either locally or an on a network drive. Sometimes, one may receive an error related to extracta.exe even though Cadence SPB is installled. On Windows, in order to fix this error, you can set your environment variables. If your Cadence (SPB_16.5) installation is located in the directory, C:SPB_16.5 • CDSROOT = C:SPB_16.5 • CHDL_LIB_INST_DIR = C:SPB_16.5 • PATH = %path%; C:SPB_16.5toolspcbbin; C:SPB_16.5toolsbin On Linux, you must include the following paths to Cadence software in your search paths: • your_Cadence_install_dir/tools/bin • your_Cadence_install_dir/tools/pcb/bin