

Message: io_gunzip: Data error Message:io_gunzip: decompressed too little data: got 0 bytes, expected 24 0000 Message: read_compressed_dataarray: decompression failed

    • FAQFAQ

      This message is thrown by CFX Solver-Manager while trying to run a simuation by initialising with a *.res file. Normally, we see this message in a CFX application context when the results file is corrupted somehow or is inconsistent in some way. The problem is most likely a corroupt .res file. Something went wrong when writing the .res file (for example the disk was full and only part of the file was written). Check that the results file is a full results file and not one that is requested a reduced subset of results to be saved (this is done in CFX-Pre under Output Control Results Tab the Option should be set to Standard). This makes sure all of the required variables/information is stored correctly for restart from. Also if the file is corrupted (only part of the file was written), may pop up errors while trying to open in CFD-Post.