Tagged: fluent, fluid-dynamics, General, General - FLUENT, Other
January 25, 2023 at 7:16 amFAQParticipant
The following restrictions exist for the macro heat exchanger models: 1. The core must be a 3D mesh with a cross-section that is approximately rectangular in shape. 2. The primary fluid streamwise direction (see Equation 6–1 in the Theory Guide) must be aligned with one of the three orthogonal axes defined by the rectangular core. 3. The pass-to-pass plane must be perpendicular to the primary fluid streamwise direction. 4. The two dimensions of the pass-to-pass plane can each be discretized into multiple macroscopic cells (macros), but in the direction perpendicular to this plane the macros cannot be subdivided. 5. It is highly recommended that the free-form Tet mesh is not used in the macro heat exchanger model. Instead, evenly distributed Hex/Wedge cells should be used for improved accuracy and a more robust solution process. 6. Flow acceleration effects are neglected in calculating the pressure loss coefficient. 7. For the simple effectiveness model, the primary fluid must have a capacity rate that is less than that of the auxiliary fluid. 8. Auxiliary fluid phase change cannot be modeled using the NTU model. 9. The macro-based method requires that an equal number of cells reside in each macro of equal size and shape. 10. The auxiliary fluid flow is assumed to be 1D. 11. The pass width has to be uniform. 12. Accuracy is not guaranteed when the mesh is not structured or layered. 13. Accuracy is not guaranteed when there is upstream diffusion of temperature at the inlet/outlet of the core. 14. Non-conformal meshes cannot be attached to the inlet/outlet of the core. An extra layer has to be created to avoid it.
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Postprocessing on Ansys EnSight
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- How to overcome the model information incompatible with incoming mesh error?
- What are the requirements for an axisymmetric analysis?
- How to create and execute a FLUENT journal file?
- Skewness in ANSYS Meshing
- How can I Export and import boxes / Systems from one Workbench Project to another?
- What is a .wbpz file and how can I use it?
- How can I select interior faces and other entities that are inside the model?
- What are pressure-based solver vs. density-based solver in FLUENT?
- Error: Update failed for the Mesh component in Fluid Flow (Fluent). Error updating cell Mesh in system Fluid Flow (Fluent). View the messages in the Meshing editor for more details.
- How to get information about mesh cell count and cell types in Fluent?
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