

Known Issues and Limitations – 2022 R1


    • FAQFAQ


      No known issues, limitations, or documentation inaccuracies.

      Ansys Discovery

      • The presence of monitors on points, planes, lines and surfaces may cause a design variant solution to fail. (560005)
      • In the Explore stage, when solving for results that exhibit highly localized extrema, monitors on points, planes, lines and surfaces may deviate from the underlying solution. Workaround: The legend and corresponding min/max monitors in the volume would yield the most accurate information on the global extrema. (554884)
      • When using the opacity slider in Display tab > Color, the assigned body or face color may be substituted with black.Workaround: To change the opacity of a body or a face, define an override color first then adjust the opacity as needed. (552013)
      • After solving in Refine, projects exported to Mechanical may not contain tabular data.Workaround: Export to Mechanical before solving. (552234)
      • When working with physics parameters in test cases and then navigating to another simulation, the test cases may no longer be visible.Workaround: Un-parameterize your physics parameter and then re-parameterize it (using undo). (552575)
      • If a simulation containing a porous condition is duplicated, thermal properties for the porous material are not retained when the project is saved.Workaround: Replace the porous condition in the duplicate simulation after opening the saved project. (552181)