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Reacting Flows

Reacting Flows

In Fluent, what are the steps for post-processing look-up PDF Tables for Flamelet Generated Manifolds?

    • SolutionSolution

      From R18 onwards, user can post-process the PDF lookup tables that are generated for the FGM model. For the FGM model, the PDF table is four-dimensional for adiabatic cases and five-dimensional for non-adiabatic cases. For adiabatic PDF tables, the four independent variables are Mean mixture fraction, Mean reaction progress variable, Mixture fraction variance, and Progress variable variance. For non-adiabatic tables, the additional fifth independent variable is enthalpy. The FGM PDF tables can be post-processed using 2D curves and 3D surfaces by fixing two or more independent variables. The procedure to display the lookup tables graphically is similar to that outlined in “Steps for Post-processing Look-Up PDF Tables” with additional steps as follows: For Adiabatic PDF Tables 3D surfaces: 1. Under Volume Parameters, select the discrete independent parameter to be held constant and fix it by specifying either a slice Index number or a Value. 2. In a similar manner, under Surface Parameters, select and fix the second discrete independent parameter and click Plot. 3. The resulting plot is a 3D surface of the selected Plot Variable as a function of the remaining two independent variables that have not been fixed. 2D curves on 3D Surface: 1.Under Volume Parameters and Surface Parameters, fix discrete independent parameters as described above. 2.Under the Curve Parameters group box, select the X-Axis Function against which the plot variable will be displayed, fix the remaining discrete independent parameter using controls in the Constant Value of Independent Parameter group box, and click Plot. 3. The resulting plot is a 2D curve of the selected Plot Variable as a function of the remaining independent variable that has not been fixed.

      1. post_processing%20of%20PDF%20table%20for%20FGM%20model.pdf