

I loaded a blocking that was ok before and now the outer edges of one volume are blue and not white. All the outer faces of the block belonging to a single material are not projected and bad elements are created when it is meshed. How do I find the problem?

    • FAQFAQ

      Unprojected block faces are usually caused by missing or unreferenced geometry. There may have been a wall or walls near the unprojected block faces that is now missing or in a different family from the one the block faces were originally projected to. Turn on all the part families and look for surface geometry that corresponds to the block surfaces. Then, go to Blocking Associations > Associate Face to Surface. There, select the block face or faces that are unprojected and associate them with the correct the part families in the part selector that appears. Once this change is made, block faces should turn white. Then, go to Edges > Show Association. Fix any bad edge projections in a similar manner, either by projecting the edge to a surface or to geometry edge (where available). Check your changes with Premesh and modify as necessary.