Tagged: 17.1, fluid-dynamics, General, meshing
March 17, 2023 at 8:58 am
ParticipantThe sphere of influence (SI) setup needs a coordinate system. You can select the global coordinate system or define a new coordinate system. If a vertex is used in the SI, its coordinates will be used. The Sphere of Influence option is available in the Type field after you select an entity such as a body, face, edge, or vertex. Although the Behavior option is not available for Sphere of Influence, Sphere of Influence behaves as a Hard setting. That is, in the vicinity of a Sphere of Influence, the Sphere of Influence sizing overrides pre-existing sizing information regardless of whether the pre-existing sizes are larger or smaller than the Sphere of Influence sizing. This is in contrast to the Body of Influence option, which behaves as a Soft setting. For bodies, faces, and edges, Sphere of Influence allows you to apply mesh sizing within the confines of a sphere in space that you define as follows: 1. Create a local coordinate system whose origin you intend to be the center of the sphere. 2. Select this coordinate system in the Sphere Center field. 3. Enter the radius of the sphere in the Sphere Radius field. 4. Enter a value in the Element Size field. The element size will be applied to all topologies within the confines of the sphere. For example, if you are applying the element size to a face, the size will also be applied to the edges of that face, and to the vertices of those edges, but only within the confines of the sphere. More details: help/wb_msh/msh_desc_loc_sizing_options.html

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- How to overcome the model information incompatible with incoming mesh error?
- What are the requirements for an axisymmetric analysis?
- How to create and execute a FLUENT journal file?
- Skewness in ANSYS Meshing
- What is a .wbpz file and how can I use it?
- How can I Export and import boxes / Systems from one Workbench Project to another?
- What are pressure-based solver vs. density-based solver in FLUENT?
- How can I select interior faces and other entities that are inside the model?
- Error: Update failed for the Mesh component in Fluid Flow (Fluent). Error updating cell Mesh in system Fluid Flow (Fluent). View the messages in the Meshing editor for more details.
- How to get information about mesh cell count and cell types in Fluent?
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