We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


How to separate the inflation into a separate cell zone in Fluent?

    • FAQFAQ

      Problem/Description: For MDM problems, it can be advantageous to separate the inflation layer into a separate cell zone. Doing so will allow you to have different MDM settings for the inflation layer than the surrounding elements. An example of its usefulness is a falling rigid object in a fluid domain. If the rigid object is represented as a void in the mesh surrounded by an inflation layer, and the elements surrounding the inflation layer are tet elements, then separating the inflation layer will allow you to specify rigid body motion to the inflation layer (so that the inflation element quality is maintained throughout the simulation) and remeshing/smoothing is only performed on the surrounding tet elements. Solution: There are two ways to separate the inflation layer. 1) If the inflation has a constant # of elements: Adapt > Boundary > Option = Cell Distance > Number of Cells = inflation layers > Boundary Zone = [wall boundary with inflation] > Mark > Mesh > Separate > Cells > Mark > Registers = Marked Zone > Separate. 2) If the inflation elements are a different element type than the rest of the mesh: Initialize > Adapt > Iso-Value > Iso-Values of = Cell Info… > Cell Element Type > Compute > Mark separate zone for, e.g. element type 6, which is triangular prisms. Separate marked zone as above.