We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


How to manually connect EnSight client and server?

    • FAQFAQ

      Here are the steps to manually connect EnSight client and server. 1. Open a terminal on the client side and start EnSight 10.2 on it using the following command: ensight102.client -cm This command would open an EnSight session on the client side and a small pop-up would open which would say ‘waiting for server connection Please use this command only if you are using a linux system as client. If you are using a windows system, please change ensight102.client to ensight102_client 2. Open a terminal on the server side and type the following command: ensight102.server -c myclient This should establish a manual connection between the client and server. The attribute ‘myclient’ here refers to the hostname of the client waiting for connection from the server. If you are using a Windows machine as client, please open a new command prompt and use the command ‘hostname’ (without ‘ ‘) to find out the name of your client host. Please note that the versions of EnSight at both the client and server end need to be the same. If the server has 10.2.3(c) installed, the client connecting to the server has to be 10.2.3(c). Please refer to KR 2055445 for an alternate approach using CEIstart. Keywords: EnSight client-server connection, manual connection