Multiphase Flows

Multiphase Flows

How to get a DPM summary per injection written in a file via TUI?

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      First of all, collecting per-injection per-thread of discrete particle information has to be enabled. This can be done via the TUI command “dpm-zone-summaries-per-injection?” under the TUI main menu “report”. After you’ve enabled that, you need to run the solver (including at least one DPM iteration) in order to actually collect information that way. Only information collected after you’ve enabled the per-injection per-thread summaries will show up in the summary the way you expect it. The output can be directed to file through the TUI command “dpm-extended-summary” under the TUI main menu “report”. This is underlined below: /report> dpm-extended-summary Do you want to write the summary to a file? [no] yes filename (*.sum) [“”] test Do you want to pick one injection? [no] yes Injection name> injection-0 Injection name> injection-0 Saving summary report to file: test Note: Fluent doesn’t append file extensions like *.sum automatically.