We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


How to export the residuals curves in a file (TUI command)?

    • FAQFAQ

      Please use the following steps: 1) activate export with this TUI command (Text User Interface): /plot/residuals-set/plot-to-file 2) plot the residuals with this TUI command: /plot/residuals The file contains the whole set of stored residual points. The additional points after activating the TUI command are not written to the file. E.g. for the continuity residuals, the file will contain the following lines when n iterations are stored: ((xy/key/label “continuity”) 11 20.401243 … n 0.0001 ) In that example, the points for the continuity residual curve after n iterations are given in the last section of the file. Note that for a large number of iterations you might need to increase the number of iterations to store before starting the simulation. You can increase the limit in the Residuals Monitors panel or with the TUI command: /solve/monitors/residual/n-save If you want to continuously export the residuals to a file you can use a Scheme script that is available in solution 1248.