

How to estimate total volumetric heat in Fluent when using a constant heat source?

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      To estimate the total volumetric heating due to a ‘constant’ volumetric heat generation source term (in W/m^3), the first step is to evaluate the total volume of the cell zone. You can do this from the ‘Post Processing’ tab in Fluent. Go to: Post Processing -> Reports -> Volume Integrals. Select ‘Volume’ under ‘Report type’ and pick the cell zone on which the constant volumetric heating rate is applied. This would evaluate the volume of this cell zone. Multiplying the volume of cell zone with the specified constant volumetric heat generation rate (in W/m^3) will provide the overall volumetric heat (in W). If the volumetric heat generation rate (in W/m^3) is not constant, we will have to use a UDF to estimate the total rate. The UDF will estimate the heating (in W) on a control volume basis and then will add up all these values to provide an overall estimate. Keywords: Volumetric heating, constant volumetric heat generation, Fluent post processing