We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


How to define a post-processing plane inside a subdomain only?

    • FAQFAQ

      In CFX, subdomains can have complicated forms and can consist of many bodies distributed in the entire domain. To create a plane in ANSYS CFD-Post, by default, it is impossible to select subdomains only. Moreover, the “inside” CEL function is not available in CFD-Post and using the “step” CEL function may be very cumbersome. So, this is a workaround to create a plane in a subdomain only: 1. Creating a new Additional Variable in ANSYS CFX-Pre, before the calculation: – Variable Type=Unspecified – Tensor Type = Scalar – In the domain, selecting Option = “Algebraic Equation”, and Value = the equation “inside()@subdomain”. This variable defines the limits of the subdomain, with a value = 1 inside the subdomain, 0 elsewhere. 2. Running the calculation 3. In CFD-Post, creating the wanted Plane in the whole domain. 4. Then Creating an Iso-Clip on this Plane, with a Visibility Parameter set with the previously created Additional Variable with a value >=1. ->In this way, the Iso-Clip shows the Plane in the Subdomain only.