Structural & Thermal

Structural & Thermal

How reaction moment is calculated for the remote boundary conditions?

    • FAQFAQ

      If in a model, a remote displacement BC is applied to fix the model in space and a remote force BC is applied to deform the model, how to calculate the reaction moment? ANSYS Help has general explanations on how the Reaction Forces and Moments are calculated. If you have ANSYS R19.2 installed, you can find it at “”;. The reaction moment is the reaction force times the moment arm. The moment arm is the distance of the moment summation point from the remote force location. If the reaction moment is scoped to the remote displacement BC, the summation point is where the location of the remote displacement BC is. The nodal location is the point where the remote force is applied. Please be aware that the nodal location of the remote force BC could move during the simulation if it is not fixed in space by the remote displacement BC. Furthermore, when large deflection is on, the displacement of the nodal location of the remote force BC should be considered when calculating the moment arm in large deflection analysis.