

How I can choose a specific license feature at runtime of the ANSYS CFX solver?

    • SolutionSolution

      ANSYS CFX has since ANSYS CFX 17.1 the start option -lpf user.preferences.xml The referenced preference file is used instead of global preferences or default user preferences. You can see all start options with the command cfx5solve -help In principle it works like setting the environment variable ANSYS_LPF for ANSYS CFX solver runtime. This replaces the -p switch (worked until ANSYS CFX 12.1). It is not documented in the ANSYS CFX Manuals. A sample License Preference File can be created with the User Preferences Dialogue: Start->All Programs->ANSYS 18.1->ANSYS Client Licensing-> User License Preferences 18.1 If you change something like the default order, a file is stored always in the default locations C:UsersusernameAppDataRoamingAnsysv181licensinglicense.preferences.xml or $HOME/.ansys/v181/licensing/license.preferences.xml You can copy this file to another place and adjust it. In the attachment you find two examples: lpf_test1.xml uses always ANE3FL (ANSYS Multiphsics) and ANSHPC Licenses lpf_test2.xml uses always ACFD_SOLVER und ANSHPC_PACK Theoretically you could define a fallback license too, if the 1st license choice is not available. Keywords: License Feature, License Increment, Solver Runtime, Choice
