

How does the CFX Solver and CFX-Post handle two boundary conditions at regions sharing an edge?

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      The flow solver always uses the exact value specified by the user to calculate the flux through the control volume face on a wall or the inlet when they share an edge (similarly for other combinations of BC’s). This is because there will be separate control volume faces attached to the wall and inlet for the given node/vertex on the shared edge. Thus, the control volume value is a function of both the wall value and the inlet value (i.e. both values are applied by the flow solver for the same control volume). The “hybrid” value displayed at a node by CFX Post has to be one or the other, and thus is not exactly the boundary condition applied by the flow solver. Hierarchy for plotting in CFD – POST in such situations for most variables is (in decreasing order): Inlet, Fluid Solid Interface, Wall, Opening, Outlet, Interface Hierarchy for pressure: Outlet, Fluid Solid Interface, Wall, Inlet, Opening, Interface Hierarchy for wall only values: Fluid Solid Interface, Wall, all others have same priority