We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


How can I start ANSYS CFX Solver remote on different machines on Linux, if I do not have a queuing system?

    • FAQFAQ

      You can use ssh on command line. Requirements: * Password free ssh is enabled. * cfx5solve will be found in the PATH and its equal on all machines. * Current working directory is shared between all nodes. $PWD is used in the following commands to avoid additional typing of the current working directory. Assuming you are logged on on, e.g., the node01 of the cluster. Now you want to start ANSYS CFX Solver from the working directory on other nodes of the cluster: Serial run: ssh node07 cfx5solve -def $PWD/StaticMixer170.def -chdir $PWD & Local parallel run on destination node: ssh node07 cfx5solve -def $PWD/StaticMixer170.def -chdir $PWD -par-local -part 12 & Distributed parallel run on destination nodes: ssh node07 cfx5solve -def $PWD/name.def -chdir $PWD -par-dist ‘ “node07*12,node08*12” ‘ & Distributed parallel run with restart on destination nodes: ssh node07 cfx5solve -def $PWD/name.def -chdir $PWD -par-dist ‘ “node07*12,node08*12” ‘ -cont-from-file $PWD/name_001.res & In case of a distributed parallel run, the destination nodes have to occur in the host list. For any command line argument containing double quotes, you have to be careful. The syntax is Quote Double Quote Text Double Quote Quote like shown above. You can add all other command line arguments like -double, -ini-file, …. The full list you get by cfx5solve -help. Keyword: ANSYS CFX Solver, Remote, ssh, Linux, parallel