

How can I export solution data from selective cell zones in Fluent?

    • FAQFAQ

      While exporting cell zone solution data from Fluent, by default all the cell zones are selected and this selection cannot be modified. Therefore, data from all the cell zones will be exported. In some cases, like conjugate heat transfer problems, it may be desired to export only the solid cell zone temperatures to perform a Mechanical analysis. Selective data export may be desired to reduce the file size and its write time from Fluent and also thereby reduce its read time into Mechanical. To perform selective data export, “Deactivate” the other undesired cell zones before exporting the data. Cell zone deactivation can be found under Domain > Zones > Deactivate… (on the top ribbon of Fluent GUI) This can also be done using the following TUI command: /define/boundary-conditions/modify-zones/deactivate-cell-zone (zone-1 zone-2 zone-n) where zone-1, zone-2 … are the cell zone names. Cell zone names can also be replaced by cell zone IDs. Note: This method has one limitation. Since deactivation of cell zones may lead to breakup of interfaces or coupled walls, nodes values may get altered after the deactivation; however the cell center values retain their values. Therefore, the recommended method of exporting solution data from Fluent would be cell center based rather than node based.