

Get below error when try to launch Ensight in ANSYS 19.0 on Linux by running {INSTALLATION_PATH}/ansys_inc/v190/CEI/bin/ensight102 This is EnSight Client 10.2.3(b) (12/4/2017) build: 54808 ANSYS_R19 —- — ——- ====== Running on computer: XXXXXXXX getenv(CEI_HOME) returned [/ansys_inc/v190/CEI] Couldn’t find a valid slim8.key license file in the standard locations. Please check your environment variables as indicated in the Getting Started manual and make sure you have a valid slim8.key license file installed and that slimd8 is running if using a floating license. Can’t initialize licensing: license_initialize: Unable to determine license server type (error code 0).

    • FAQFAQ

      It’s a known issue in R19.0, should be fixed in R19.1 and future releases. 3 options to resolve the issue, Option #1 is recommended: Option #1 (recommended): Set environment variable AWP_ROOT190 to {INSTALLATION_PATH}/ansys_inc/v190, e.g. for Bash Shell: export AWP_ROOT190=/ansys_inc/v190 The licensing autodetection code properly looks for SLiM then tries the ANSYS license manager, and do other changes for ANSYS customers, including part options, background changes, ANSYS R19 branding, etc. Option #2 (should work but not recommended): Set environment variable ENSIGHT10_LM to ansys, e.g. for Bash Shell: export ENSIGHT10_LM=ansys It forces Ensight to look for ANSYS license manager only but no SLiM. And if AWP_ROOT190 is not set, EnSight won’t have the other changes that we’ve done for ANSYS customers, including part options, background changes, ANSYS R19 branding, etc. Option #3 (should work but not recommended); Set environment variable ENSIGHT_ANSYS_VERSION to 19.0, e.g. for Bash Shell: export ENSIGHT_ANSYS_VERSION=19.0 The licensing autodetection code properly looks for SLiM then tries the ANSYS license manager. But if AWP_ROOT190 is not set, EnSight won’t have the other changes that we’ve done for ANSYS customers, including part options, background changes, ANSYS R19 branding, etc. In addition, it could potentially cause problems for R19.1 and subsequent versions.