

*** ERROR *** CP = 18.016 TIME= 13:13:26 An unexpected error ( SIG$ILL ) has occurred… ANSYS internal data has been corrupted. ANSYS is unable to recover and will terminate. Previously saved files are unaffected. Please send the data leading to this operation to your technical support provider, as this will allow ANSYS, Inc to improve the program.

    • FAQFAQ

      I have a few of solutions for this error. 1) Make sure you are using a supported graphics card and update the graphics driver:- 2) If you have an AMD processor, we did make a change in 2021R2 for AMD processors to use a AMD BLIS library. If this is the issue a workaround is to add “-blas mkl” to your command line and it will revert to using the Intel MKL library even on AMD processors. Defect 494120 has already been raised for this. 3) Uninstall all Ansys versions and delete the ‘…Program FilesAnsys Inc’ folder, then reinstall the versions you require in version order.