

Does Fluent has less computational time to generate the fluctuating velocity at inlet for scale resolved models?

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      To generate time-dependent inlet conditions for scale resolving turbulence simulations, a Fourier based synthetic turbulence generator is used. This method is inexpensive in terms of computational time compared with the other existing methods while achieving high quality turbulence fluctuations. Limitations: The synthetic turbulence generator is only available for velocity inlets. The method uses global scales, meaning Fluent uses the whole inlet face zone to determine the characteristic scales required to generate the synthetic turbulence. This can lead to incorrect results if just a small part of the inlet face zone generates synthetic turbulence (for example, a thin turbulent boundary layer). This method can be found when you select the turbulence model as any scale resolved models (SAS, DES and LES). Velocity inlet condition –> under fluctuating velocity Algorithm–> select the synthetic turbulence generator.