Discovery Physics

Discovery Physics

Discovery Refine : Display issue (Red dots) when viewing Mesh

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      Discovery Refine : Display issue (Red dots) when viewing Mesh

      Problem: Red dots or display issue when trying to view Mesh in Discovery Refine. (image below)


      Cause:  This issue is known to the development and is suspected to be caused due an issue with NVIDIA driver version 5xx.xx.
      Solution: There are a couple of solutions you can try to fix this issue:

      1. This issue occurs only with the NVIDIA Graphics driver version 5xx.xx, so you can update to a newer version (Released march 2022) or revert back one version to avoid this issue.
      2. The other option is to disable the INTEL GPU from the Bios and then re-install the NVIDIA driver update for version 5xx.xx.
        (Please perform these changes with the help of your company’s IT professional.)