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Discovery AIM: Solver is stuck at 100% progress

    • FAQFAQ

      Problem: Calculation is completed but the solver is stuck at 100% progress and Discovery AIM fails to process the results.  It requires to force stop the application, which results in loss of calculation.

      Cause: This issue is observed to have occurred with some models arbitrarily and might not be reproducible. The exact cause is not yet known, and the problem is under investigation.

      Recommended Solution:  As a workaround, restricting Discovery AIM from creating the voxel file which is used for rapid results viewing, should resolve the issue. Following are the steps involved:

      1. Go to Discovery AIM desktop icon and right click to open Properties panel.

      2. Append the exiting Target field with the following command

      -k AIM.EvaluateSolvedVolumeResults=off

      3. Kindly ensure that the pre-existing entry in the Target field is not disturbed and only the above command is added towards the end of the existing entry.


      Click on OK. Launch a new session of Discovery AIM, open the concerned project and rerun the analysis.