Structural & Thermal

Structural & Thermal

Can contact coefficient be made variable?

    • FAQFAQ

      It is possible in Workbench only through a command snippet. The TBFIELD command allows you to set the coefficient of friction based on a set of variables. More information can be found in ANSYS Help, on sections help/ans_cmd/Hlp_C_TB.html and help/ans_cmd/Hlp_C_TBFIELD.html. An example script could look like this: – TB, FRIC, 1 ,,, ISO ! Activate isotropic friction model – TBFIELD, NPRES, 1000 ! Define value of normal pressure p1 = 1000 – TBDATA, 1,0.2 ! Define coefficient of friction at p1 – TBFIELD, NPRES, 2000 ! Define value of pressure p2 = 2000 – TBDATA, 1,0.5 ! Define coefficient of friction at p2 – TBFIELD, NPRES, 3000 ! Define value of pressure p3 = 3000 – TBDATA, 1,0.3 ! Define coefficient of friction at p3