

Can ANSYS nCode DesignLife be used to calculate the damage matrix from a StressLife (SN) analysis?

    • FAQFAQ

      Not with only an ANSYS nCode DesignLife license. The DesignLife SN engine cannot calculate a damage matrix. That capability is only supported by the Glyphworks SN engine. To calculate the damage matrix, you would need to access the Glyphworks SN engine. You could then export the stress history from the DesignLife SN engine into the Gylphworks SN engine and calculate the damage matrix. You could access the Glyphworks SN engine from within ANSYS nCode DesignLife using a Supplemental license. Supplemental licenses allow ANSYS nCode DesignLife users to access Glyphworks features. Each Supplemental license covers a subset of Glyphworks features. They must be used in conjunction with an ANSYS nCode DesignLife license. They are not standalone licenses.