

Are solid losses and eddy losses the same in Maxwell?

    • FAQFAQ

      Both losses refer to the same quantitiy, however, user should not calculate eddy losses and the solid losses at the same time. The reason is, eddy losses are calculated only as a component of core losses based on steinmetz formula, when having an electrical steel that has the kh, ke and kc coefficients. There are two possiblities to make eddy current loss calculation in Maxwell: 1) Set core losses, set bulk conductivity to 0, set kh kc ke in material definition and calculate eddy losses. 2) Activate eddy losses and not set conductivity to to 0, calculate solid losses. If the user activates eddy effects and core loss calculation at the same time while the conductivity is not set to 0 then, eddy losses will be calculated twice, hence will lead to wrong solution. Customer should expect one of the quantities to be 0 while using the 2 approaches stated above.