

ANSYS Mechanical 19.2, when run on a Windows Server 2012 operating system, using Microsoft MPI (MS MPI). Fails with the error, The procedure entry point MPI_Get_library version could not be located in. C:Program FilesANSYS Incv192ansysbinwinx64MPIMSMPIAnsMPI.dll

    • FAQFAQ

      This error can indicate that the version of Microsoft MPI software installed on the system, is not compatible with the ANSYS Mechanical software. The version of the MS MPI software , with which the ANSYS Mechanical software has been tested, can be found in the ANSYS help text at, Mechanical APDL Parallel Processing Guide 4.1. Configuring Distributed ANSYS MPI Software Windows HPC Server 2012 x64Microsoft HPC Pack (MS MPI v7.1)