

ANSYS Discovery Enterprise Installation Instructions (R19.1)

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      Please use the following instructions to download and install ANSYS Discovery Enterprise. Review the ANSYS Discovery Hardware Requirements in solution 2053752 before installing the software. On the ANSYS License Server machine, add the ANSYS Discovery license file you received, to your existing ANSYS license using the License Management Center Utility. This is the same process as adding any license to your existing ANSYS License Server. Note: A R19.0 or newer ANSYS License Server is required. If you do not already have the ANSYS License Manager installed, you can download it from below link. From the machine on which ANSYS Discovery will be run, use the following link to download the Discovery Enterprise package. Note: The download may start immediately without any prompts. Unzip the installation package and run Setup. If ANSYS products are already installed on the machine, the existing license server specification will be used. If this is the first install of any ANSYS product, you will be prompted for license server information. Shortcut icons for the Discovery products will appear on your Desktop. The names of these icons will contain the word “Enterprise” to differentiate them from Discovery products using subscription licenses. Double click any of the icons to launch the corresponding Discovery product.