

A customer moves the layout and then exits Mechanical. When they re-enter, the window layout is not saved…it is back to default. What is noticed is that the DSAppletWin.xml and AGAppletWin.xml are deleted whenever starting Mechanical/DesignModeler. Any Ideas as to what can cause this?

    • FAQFAQ

      This has been fixed in 18.2 (DE150974). It’s an issue with how the build date for our products are stored and read in different locales. The build date was read in incorrectly in certain locales resulting in the product assuming that the files were older than the build. The product deleted these files and restored the window positions to the default. The workaround for this is to change the build date in v181aisolCommonFilesBuildDate.txt from mm/dd/yyyy to the dd/mm/yyyy format.