要求されたコア数が計算ノードの最大コア数より大きい場合、Workbench LS-DYNA 2021R1/R2でMPP RSMジョブが以下のエラーで失敗します Windows HPC: External operation: ‘submit’ has failed. This may or may not become a fatal error Microsoft.Hpc.Scheduler.Properties.SchedulerException: This job requires at least 64 cores, but the list of candidate nodes that the Job Scheduler service returned for this job contains only 0 cores. The Job Scheduler service determines the candidate node list using the following job properties: NodeGroup, RequestedNodes, MinMemoryPerNode, MaxMemoryPerNode, MinCoresPerNode, MaxCoresPerNode, and ExcludedNodes. Either reduce the number of resources that the job requires, or redefine the relevant job properties, and then submit the job again. at Microsoft.Hpc.Scheduler.Store.JobEx.Submit(StoreProperty[] submitProps) at CliTools.SubmitJob.Execute(List`1 argsIn) at CliTools.CommandVerbList.Execute(List`1 args) at CliTools.Program.RunList(CommandVerbList list, String[] args) Failed to submit job to cluster SLURM Linux HPC cluster: External operation: ‘submit’ has failed. This may or may not become a fatal error sbatch: error: CPU count per node can not be satisfied sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Requested node configuration is not available Failed to submit job to cluster
Tagged: 2021 R2, Mechanical - SYS, Remote Solve, rsm
January 31, 2023 at 9:47 am
Participantこれは、新しいRSM APIを使用したLS-DYNA MPP RSMジョブ送信に関する2021R1およびR2の既知のバグ#497117です。 LS-DYNA MPPジョブで誤ってRSM_HPC_DISTRIBUTED=FALSEが設定されます。2022R1ではこのバグは修正されています。 回避策として、クライアントマシンでWorkbench 2021R1/R2を起動する前に、環境変数USE_OLD_RSM_API=1を設定します。 例えば、以下の内容を含むバッチファイルをWindows上で作成します。 set USE_OLD_RSM_API=1 start “” “C:Program FilesANSYS Incv212FrameworkbinWin64runwb2.exe”

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