We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


How to automate the creation of multiple Named Selections?

    • SolutionSolution

      Multiple Named Selections can be created using the Object Generator. The following process should work: 1. Select the entity (e.g., a face) and create a Named Selection containing it. This Named Selection will be used as a template for the Object Generator 2. Open Object Generator wizard by clicking on its icon. 3. Click on the template Named Selection. The object Generator will open with additional input tabs on right side 4. In Graphical Selection option, select the group of faces for which Named selections are to be created 5. If graphical selection is not practical, you can create a Named Selection for the group and input it using the ‘Graphical Selection’ option. 6. In the ‘Scope To’ tab, select either a. Each Entity: If the Named Selection to be created for each entity separately, or b. All Entities by Parts: If Named Selection to be created for entities in each part 7. Uncheck the checkbox for ‘Ignore Original’, if template entities are to be selected in new Named Selection 8. Enter the prefix if necessary 9. Generate

      1. 2045058-a.avi
      2. 2045058-b.pdf