

Removal of an imported SpaceClaim material in Engineering Data

    • FAQFAQ

      Question: If a SpaceClaim material is once assigned and imported to Workbench, it seems, that there is no way to delete this material. Deletion of the material in SpaceClaim, assignment of another material in SpaceClaim to the body and usage of the option “remove from list” for the CAD Materials library in Engineering data does not work. After every new refresh, the material is there again in Engineering Data. So, how can the material be removed permanently from the Workbench Engineering Data? Answer: This is a Smart Update related behavior. The Smart Update Option can be found in the Geometry properties panel in the Workbench Project Schematic. The material attributes created during transfer are stored in Part Manager with each update (with Smart Update ON, which is the default option). Even if they are removed in SpaceClaim, that attribute still exists, and as mentioned above, is then pulled into the Engineering Data table. If Smart Update is turned Off, then only the material definitions that exist during that transfer will be stored.