

Spaceclaim or SCDM startup Splash screen does not come up and Spaceclaim takes longer to launch

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      Check if this entry exists under the Registry Editor on the machine with normal user permissions: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWARESpaceClaimSplash The Show value should be set to “True” If not, please create it manually: Right click on Spaceclaim under HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWARE and select New Key, then name the new key as Splash Then Right click on Splash and select New String Value On the right side now where it says New Value, name it as Show. Right click on Show and select Modify, then under Value Data, type True > OK Then try opening Spaceclaim and see if the Splash screen comes through. The Registry entry should be created by install but could’ve been missed due to Security/permissions issue at the time of install.