

What are the gauge variables X-Displa, X, and X-initial meaning in Time History Plot for Lagrange and Shell parts in IJK-based structured mesh?

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      For Lagrange parts in IJK-based structured mesh, gauge points are always labeled with the upper node of the element. The upper node number can be found from gauge point summary, which can be obtained from Parts -> Gauges -> Review in Autodyn GUI. For example, a gauge point in the element: I = 1 to 2, J = 1 to 2, and K = 1 to 2 is labeled at the upper node I = 2, J = 2, and K = 2. X-Displa is the X Displacement at the gauge point. The displacements and velocities that the gauge points record are always at the upper node (2,2,2). However, X coordinate, X-initial (Initial Coordinate), pressure, stress, and internal energy that the gauge point record are always at the center of the element: I = 1 to 2, J = 1 to 2, K = 1to 2. The same principle applies to Y-Displa, Y, Y-Initial, as well as Z-Displa, Z, Z-Initial.